Tuesday 1 November 2011


After a long week's holiday,I have finally make myself practice my piano pieces which I had neglected since the past few weeks. I think that my teacher would not be so happy to listen to my pieces which have broken into many pieces! I better start practicing smart before I lose all my skills in my pieces. Beethoven's Pathetique sonata I was playing didn't have much of an improvement at all. I still have other instruments and subjects to tackle. Well, good luck.


  1. how many pieces of pieces are there on the pieces of pieces now? nah... just crapping...

  2. I dunno... There are so many pieces that was broken off from my pieces which I have many pieces to practice. LOL

  3. and my brain has just been blown into pieces just to think about it.

  4. It's not that serious bah... Hahaha...
