Thursday 24 November 2011

Tonal Harmony

Tonal Harmony. I find it quite interesting at first, but I find it quite hard to understand when I reached Tonal Harmony II. I had Tonal class this morning, and I think I have only got less than 50% of the information. I didn't do quite well in the mid-term for this paper. I'm quite worried that I can't get a satisfactory result at the end of this semester because there are quite many subeects that can't score. EDU papers. Sigh.


  1. I can of coz. it's not singing. haha...

  2. no larh! i mean.. cant breathe as in, too hectic and troublesome and unnecessary and sh*tty...

  3. I noe wat u mean. Just fooling around. XD
    For this it's still considered ok. It's still music. Haha
