Sunday 11 December 2011


            It's Sunday and we have to take our exam today. We got ourselves ready with warm-ups and some snacks in case we are hungry because it might take the whole morning until our turn. As expected, I was in the 13th group, if I'm not mistaken. After we finished everything it was like already 3PM. Thanks to pastor who asked someone to pack some lunch for us. Love them so much~ We ate like people who didn't have food for whole 3 days! We were so hungry that time. The exam is done! Yeah! Although I got a few punches and kicks, but still, It's done!! XD


  1. How's the red soup? wonderful right? and the salted vege...

  2. yup! great lunch. We ate like, whoa. You should see us eat. hahaha...

  3. no. luckily i didnt. lol!!! you guys would have induced me to eat like there's no tomorrow.
